Bicycle Inventions - 30th June
23rd June - Protest to keep the bike lanes in William St
Thursday last week saw a number of cyclists converge at Martin Place together with the Green Party to protest against the proposal to remove the newly acquired bicycle lanes on William st. Sydney could fast be going backwards as Iemma attempts to solve the Cross City Tunnel debarcle by offering up the bike lanes to yet more car lanes. Nice one Iemma! Has Sydney gone mad? Are the streets of the CBD not congested enough to warrant yet more in-roads? Let's pray they see sense.
Chris Harris (Greens Councillor) and Lee Rhianon (Greens MLC) hold up a blueprint of the outlined bicycle routes into the city...On a more positive note, I attended a talk at the City Recital Hall about 'what makes cities great'? Robert Adams an influential dude in Melbourne (Director of Design and Culture at the City of Melbourne) delivered a fantastic synopsis upon the last 20 years in Melbourne and how they have slowly moved from a 'car crazed' city to a city which embraces public transport, pedestrians and of course cyclists. The macro differences affecting Melbourne are now quite startling; small side street cafes have sprung up all over the CBD, people stop and hang out in public places and the CBD has become a navigatable desintation place. He talked about how you focus first upon the streets on a human rather than car scale, you then begin thinking about how architecture interacts with the street landscape. And, rather than asking how you can inject some 'character' you start with the character that currently exists or memories of that public space... I cannot do it justice but I felt a lift of optimism that somebody so impassioned had a seat in power. So come on Sydney!!
9th June - Bike Love is on holiday
Bike Love will return on 23rd June... just taking a short break!
Kent Street cycle route proposal
The city of Sydney are proposing a bicycle route along Kent street... and today is the final day to comment on this proposal. It's easy to comment... just send an email to Allan Saxby Allan Saxby, Senior Project Manager Manager endorsing the proposal. This will be very cool if it gets off the ground!
2nd June - Bicycle Helmet Laws
Somewhat controversial topic this one... I tend to think that if you want to wear a bicycle helmet then by all means wear one... however, helmets are really there to mask the bigger elephant in the room... namely cars and their poor or speeding drivers.This week, I spoke to Dorothy Robinson a senior Statistician at the Bicycle Helmet Research Foundation about some research she's conducted regarding the other side effects of legally enforsed helmet wearing laws. Her research makes interesting reading... The most provocative finding is that if bicycle helmets supposedly save the tax payers money, then motorists should also wear helmets given the number of critical head injuries they suffer far and away outweighs bicycle riders! Download the MP3